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The Wellbeing Hub for Young Adults aged 16-25
The Wellbeing Hub is the one stop shop for Young Adults aged 16-25 looking to improve their wellbeing and find support for their Mental Health.
How I Cope: A Young Persons Guide
A resource developed for young people by young people about how young people cope and like to receive support when they are finding things tough. blue_arrow_right
Free online support and counselling for young people across Kent
Looking after yourself when you're looking after someone else
Tips, support and advice for young people that are looking after another person - from young minds
Friendship Guide for Young People
Advice and Tips for Young People by Young People on Friendships
Sexting and Sending Nudes
Support, advice and guidance around sex, sexting and sending images from Childline.
How to feel confident saying no when you're feeling pressured
Support and advice for if you are worried about being pressured by your friends and strategies for how to get better at saying no when you want to. blue_arrow_right
Understanding your feelings
Understanding where your feelings come from and how they can make you behave is really helpful. blue_arrow_right
What do you do when a mate lies to you?
Everyone’s lied at some point, there’s no point denying it, so if you find out a mate has lied about something then try to figure out why they’ve done it. blue_arrow_right
Ideas for self care
Taking care of yourself isn't easy. We all suffer from time to time so why not try one of the suggestions below. You'll be surprised how little changes can make a big difference. blue_arrow_right